What is it?
Fashion Revolution Week is a global, non-profit based movement to reform the fashion industry on the need for greater transparency in the brand supply chain.
Dince 2013, events have been held for a week of awareness-raising around the world from April 23, the fateful day of the collapse of the Rana Plazacollapse, to April 29.
This is Fashion Revolution Week.
Thousands of people hold up signs every year that read "Who Made My Clothes", asking brands to be more transparent about the provenance of the clothes they offer."Who Made My Clothes" has become the real slogan of the movement and was even 1st worldwide hashtag in 2014.
And Uncouture ?
As respect for human beings is at the heart of our concerns, we think it is important to be as transparent as possible about the working conditions in our partner factories: they are based in Portugal and the employees working there are all on permanent contracts.