UNCOUTURE contracts with workshops in Portugal to manufacture its garments according to their know-how: dresses, jackets, coats, T.Shirts. These manufacturers are all members of SEDEX (Supplier Ethical Data Exchange), an ethical trade organisation that provides tools and services to help companies operate responsibly and sustainably, protect workers and source ethically.
These manufacturers are also audited every two years using SMETA, a comprehensive social audit that allows companies to assess their suppliers, monitor the health and safety of workers and report zero tolerance for human rights violations such as child and forced labour. During our quality control visits, we found that the standards for working conditions are all far exceeded.
One of our manufacturers is also certified by Oeko-Tex STeP (Sustainable Textile & Leather Production), a certification system for environmentally and socially responsible production facilities along the supply chain.
Choosing a manufacturer with STeP certification allows UNCOUTURE to ensure that manufacturing conditions are considered holistically from a sustainable point of view, as it encompasses analysis and evaluation in the six core modules of sustainable textile production:
- Chemicals management
- Environmental performance
- Environmental management
- Social responsibility
- Quality management
- Safety in the workplace
Working in Portugal and storing production locally also allows us to réto reduce our carbon footprint by limiting the flow of goods.
All these workshops have accompanied us during the Covid crossing. We are now proud to have become "Partners".
We know that a beautiful garment can only be made under excellent conditions and with a deep love for the craft.